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PGRs Organising Conference 2023

Your workshop proposal for PGRs Organising 2023

Thank you for your interest in running a workshop at our PGRs Organising conference on 31 January 2023. We're excited! 

Fill in the form below to tell us a bit about your workshop. We have three slots for hybrid workshops delivered in-person by you, and one online-only workshop. We can help you facilitate on the day (including online facilitation). 

Please let us know any access requirements. You can find out more about the conference, including our equality statement, on our website [clicking the link will navigate you away from this page, right-click on link to open in a new window]. 
3. Are you a current PGR? *This question is required.
5. Are you a UCU member? *This question is required.
6. Are you proposing a workshop facilitated by you/your group in person and delivered as hybrid, or an online-only workshop?
10. For our hybrid workshops, we would like these to be facilitated in-person at the event, with an option for participants to join online. A UCU staff member will be on hand if necessary to help facilitate any groups joining online, or you can do this yourself. 

Are you happy with this format and able to attend the conference in person?  *This question is required.