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UCU Wales student behaviour survey

2. What is your role? Please mark all that apply.
3. How do you think student behaviour has changed? Please mark one option against each time frame.
Space Cell ImprovedSameWorse
This academic year
Last academic year
Two years ago
Five years ago
4. Please list the courses where you experienced poor behaviour.
5. In what form did this behaviour take? Who was it directed towards?
Space Cell YouLecturing staffSupport staffManagement teamEstatesShop catering
Low level disruption (talking, not paying attention, mucking around)
Disrespect (use of mobile phone in class, ignoring teacher's request, refusing to comply with the rules)
Verbal (insults, threats, derogatory comments, swearing, being rude, making accusations)
Physical aggression (pushing, kicking, hitting, throwing, punching, furniture/equipment)
Bullying in person
Cyber bullying - by text or social media
Sexual harassment
Racial harassment
Homophobic/biphobic/transphobic bullying
Destroying property or belongings
6. Have you ever experienced challenging, disruptive, or violent behaviour by a student in the previous academic year?
7. If you have witnessed or experienced challenging, disruptive or violent behaviour by a student in the previous academic year, has it caused any of the following? Please tick all that apply. 
7. Does your college have a policy to deal with student behaviour?
9. Do you get regular training as part of your CPD on how to deal with students with challenging, disruptive or violent behaviour?
11. Have you ever reported any serious incident(s) or challenging, disruptive or violent behaviour by a student to your college, and if so how satisfied were you with the response?
12. What sanctions does your college currently use when dealing with challenging, disruptive or violent behaviour by a student?
13. How safe to you feel in your college?